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Our values: The Premier Way

Values are the underpinning of any organizational culture. They are the lens through which all leadership and day-to-day activities should be seen to ensure alignment with vision and mission.

Values drive our behavior on the way to outcomes. The way we understand and talk about our values affects the way we work together and the things we choose to do.

At Premier, we are guided by five core values. We call these elements “The Premier Way.”

At Premier, we are guided by five core values. We call these elements “The Premier Way.”

Client First. Employee Centered.

We are relentless in our commitment to our clients and their success – and we do this by developing and rewarding a team that is engaged, dedicated and valued. A committed and productive team creates satisfied and loyal customers. This critical balance drives every decision we make, ensuring that we take care of both our clients and our team to ensure success.

Driven by Integrity.

The Code of Ethics is alive and well at Premier. It is not only embedded in our company and our culture, but also in each individual. Through hiring those who are inspired by our commitment to these ethics, we celebrate our undying commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards, both individually and collectively. Everything we do is undergirded by our integrity — both individual integrity and our collective integrity. This is not negotiable and is a vital part of Premier’s DNA.

Rise to the Opportunity.

We are a team of self-driven and motivated individuals who are tough to satisfy. We are committed, hard-working client advocates who take responsibility and ownership of our work, going above and beyond to help our clients and ourselves. Where others see a challenge, we see an opportunity. The more complex the situation is, the more motivated and excited we get. This doesn’t just apply to client work. When our teammates need help, we are there for them. We will always find time and a way to help.

Confident yet Humble.

There is no point being the world’s best kept secret – we recognize and celebrate the value we bring to our clients, and the leadership we bring to our industry. We have been doing this work for a long time and we are experts in this space. At the same time, we are not arrogant in our knowledge or our skills and recognize there is always more to learn. Our humble confidence comes across in how we work and collaborate. We remain honored to serve our clients and use our expertise and confidence to benefit the client and make them shine, while recognizing the awesome things our team achieves.

One Team. United.

We band together to advance our work, whether for our clients or internal projects to make Premier better. We celebrate a diversity of voices and opinions, and we look to hire people who will add to (not just fit with) our culture. We are united in the pursuit of our goals and inspired by our collective commitment. We don't always agree, but we always commit. We are aligned when we walk out of the room, focused on how we can make Premier and our clients successful.